Akt codziennego porannego ofiarowania o. Wenantego

The content of this prayer was attached to the personal notebook of Fr. Venance

My eternal God. I fall before Your infinite majesty with deep humility, I worship You, I offer You all my thoughts, words and deeds of this day, and I resolve to do everything out of love for You, to praise Your divine will, to serve You, to praise and bless You, to obtain enlightenment of the mysteries of our Holy Faith, to attain salvation and trust in your mercy, to atone to your righteousness for my many grievous sins, and at the same time bring relief to the suffering souls in purgatory and plead for the grace of true conversion of all sinners. I desire to carry out my every action in union with the purest intentions of Jesus and Mary, and all the saints in heaven and the righteous living on earth. O, if I could only have my intentions sealed in my own blood and repeat every moment as many times, as the moments of eternity would grasp. Accept, my loving God, my good intentions and graciously bestow your blessing with effective grace, that I may not for the rest of my life commit any mortal sin, especially today, which I ardently desire and plan to obtain all the indulgences I am able. I also desire to be present before all the most holy sacrifices that are to be celebrated today throughout the world in order to offer them for the suffering souls in purgatory, so that they may be liberated from torment.



Evening Prayers of Fr. Venance

These prayers which are prayed to this day in Franciscan friaries were arranged by the Servant of God, Fr. Venance Katarzyniec.

In your infinite kindness bless me, O Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and accept my thanks for all the graces that I have received from you this day. I am sorry for all the faults and infidelities that I have committed against you, but I hope that You will forgive them and redress the wrong caused to God’s glory by me. My faith, hope and love, all of this is yours. I want to fall asleep and be taken in love to You, so that I may awaken again in your ardent love. Amen.

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to Your protection, implored Your help, or sought Your intercession was left unaided. Inspired with this confidence, I fly to You, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to You do I come; before You I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in Your mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

Through Your most holy and Immaculate Conception, O Most Holy Virgin Mary, cleanse my heart, body and soul. Amen.

Angel of God, my Guardian dear, you are always at my side. Morning, evening, at day and night be always there to help me.

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. 3x

May they rest in peace. Amen.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give you my heart, body and soul.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last agony.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph, let me breathe forth my spirit in peace with You.

Most Sweet Jesus, do not be my judge, but the my Savior. Amen.