Nine -day Novena for the Intercession of Servant of God Fr. Venance Katarzyniec
Most Holy Trinity, One God,
may you be praised for all the good things
you have accomplished in your servant Venance;
who lived his life according to the evangelical counsels
and being zealous in his priestly ministry in the Church
became an example for your faithful.
Raise up your servant to the altar, Lord,
that we may better serve You,
and grant me the graces which I humbly ask
through his intercession.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Recite at the end of the Novena each day:
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
Repeat for 9 consecutive days and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and Holy Communion.
Nine -day Novena to the Most Holy Trinity requesting the grace of the Intercession of Servant of God Fr. Venance Katarzyniec
Most Holy Trinity, One God,
may you be praised for all the good things
you have accomplished in your servant Venance;
who lived his life according to the evangelical counsels
and being zealous in his priestly ministry in the Church
became an example for your faithful.
Raise up your servant to the altar, Lord,
that we may better serve You,
and grant me the graces which I humbly ask
through his intercession.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
“A good, virtuous person can only be made gradually, and so you should not postpone the improvement of life for later – because later may lack the time. It is impossible for the sinner, who has offended the Lord God all his life, then in one moment change on his death bed, so as to immediately repent, be converted and atone for his faults, thus, all, both young and old, in whatever century we are in, must start living well, right now, not from tomorrow on.”
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily for the 1st Sunday of Advent
What does it mean to live well? Servant of God, Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, answers this question by his life. To live well is to immerse yourself in God. To live a good life is to live out each and every day, so that there is never a lack of a place and time for God.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, teach us not to put aside a good life for tomorrow. Teach us to live well today, now. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“The gift of grace is given by God, which we cannot gain or increase by our own strength. But God allows goodness, that we can offer our good works, so that He can impart his graces on us. Good deeds are a means for increasing graces. And how many opportunities we have each day to perform good deeds.”
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily for Sunday after the NewYear
A good life without the help of God, without his favor – in a word – without his grace, would be impossible. God is our source “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure” (cf. Phil 2.13). God is the source of all that is good, every good deed. If we forget this truth, we begin to seek the source of wisdom and good only in ourselves, and that is a step towards falling. Fr. Venance Katarzyniec did not forget this truth. Strengthened by God’s grace he did good and brought consolation to others, even in difficult times of war.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, teach us seek above all else the help of Your grace and create in our hearts a humility, which knows that without You we can do nothing. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“We have seen that sin – breaking of the law, the commandments of God, sin is a renouncing of obedience to God – a rebellion against Him and an open war – sin is finally the worst ingratitude to our best Father and friend. (…) And who seeing the evil of sin, would want to go on sinning? From today on, therefore, how many times do we need to act, speak or think, and examine our conscience, to realize that it is a sin, that God does not like it, that it is evil and wicked, let us shudder and relinquish – it is better to renounce all pleasure, to suffer everything rather than sin and offend God, than to stain and shamefully humiliate one’s soul! And when we become aware that one of our neighbors has fallen into sin, we will be merciful to them, pray for them, how much power we have to avoid sin!”
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily for Last Sunday before Lent
Sin is the departure from the road to the goal, which is heaven. It carries us away from our loving Father who longs to be in our arms. He is waiting for us always with the white robe of the child of God. Fr. Venance knew the heart of the Father, which is why he preferred to suffer rather than sin and offend His Majesty.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, we ask You today to free us from sin. And when we fall we ask for the grace to return most quickly to You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“The Lord God gives us a tremendous benefit when He forgives our sins; He restores our soul’s lost beauty, liberates us from hell, opens heaven to us, from slaves He makes us His beloved children. With so much goodness bestowed on us as unworthy as we are – how could we still complain when God asks us to suffer for a few moments of our earthly life? O let us never ever again mention our affliction, what is our suffering for? Who do I blame, when God touches me so heavily. Rather let our lips utter to such a most-gracious Lord! I bow under the cross of suffering, but I deserved a greater punishment. Thanks to you God, my sufferings are so few. Give me the grace so that all that I owe You on this earth be removed without obstacles, and that after death I may enter your Kingdom in heaven.”
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily for V Sunday of Lent
Life with God continually surprises us. It abounds in a series of phrases and scenarios that we have never chosen. We rebel when there is suffering, sickness, rejection by others, loneliness. Then we ask God: Why me? There are no easy answers, except for one: Trust God! Daily sufferings of the cross were not foreign to Fr. Venance. Physical and spiritual sufferings, misunderstood by those close to us are made clear by cross in the life of the Venerable Servant of God, which he received and surrendered to the will of God.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, we ask for the grace to patiently endure the daily sufferings and adversities, that being endured with You, have the power to ennoble our hearts. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“Faith is the virtue which enables us to believe as truth all that God Has revealed to us, and the Holy Catholic Church to believe. So, whoever has this virtue of faith and who is firmly and deeply in possession of the truths which God has revealed to us, possesses a great treasure – already this present life on earth is more tolerable and lighter. ” (p. 122)
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily for XXIII Sunday after Pentecost
Faith is the gift we received in baptism. This treasure of faith reminds us that God is our Father, and we are his children. Faith inspires us to find what is most true about ourselves in our lives – the identity of a child of God. The virtue of faith in a heroic way has shone in the Servant of God Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, who, as a child, believed in everything that God had revealed to him about himself and his destiny. He himself also became the one who passionately communicated his faith to others.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, we ask that we not only be established in our faith but be concerned for its development. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“Hope in God” is to expect that we will receive what God has promised. And what did the Lord God promise us? Heaven, eternal happiness after death, and here he promised us God’s forgiveness of sins and His grace. Well, we all expect that we will someday be in heaven, we expect God’s grace in every temptation so that it would be impossible to sin so long as we don’t want to. “The Lord God,” says in the scriptures. “God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear” (I Cor 10, 13). Moreover, Christian hope commands us to expect God’s help, in temporal affairs, especially if we pray for it to God, let us trust unflinchingly that we will receive it. Since Jesus promised: “Everything you ask for in prayer will be given to you.” (Mat. 21, 22).
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily for IV Sunday of Lent
How easy it is to get discouraged in life. How easy it is to stop believing. Hope is a virtue that sustains our faith and raises our gaze beyond the current challenges, towards heaven. The virtue of hope also shone in Fr. Venance in a heroic way, because he sought to look at earthly affairs from God’s perspective.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, we fervently ask for hope on the way to You that not being overcome by difficulties we may expect consolations, and after a good life to meet You in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“In addition to proper behavior required of us from Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament is that we speak with him, pray to him. It would be a sad sign if we were bored with Jesus. It is easy to speak with people for an hour and more, and with the Savior is it so hard? You don’t know what to say to the Lord Jesus. And you don’t have any needs? Maybe a concern bothering you? Maybe a problem at home, maybe poverty, an illness may be all you have to present to the Lord! Sometimes you want to lament before someone, so that your sorrows may be lightened? Here is Christ your best friend concealed on the altar. You don’t have any ordinary needs? Or maybe you are in a sorrowful state? Maybe you are in a state of mortal sin? So, when you come to church, speak to your Lord: Jesus! Save me, for I am miserable, heal me, raise me from my sins? If you don’t have any of your own needs – pray for someone else, for the abandoned in the entire world – and by this you will not be bored in the church and the Lord Jesus will be happy with your presence. (p. 86)
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Teaching during Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Octave of Corpus Christi
True prayer is an encounter with the true God, with the One who loves us. And authentic prayer is characterized by childlike sincerity and simplicity, which allows us to always be ourselves before God and to speak to him about everything that is in our heart. Frequent adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, long evening prayers in the church revealed Fr. Venance’s childlike trust to the One who chose and called him.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, teach us to pray. Draw us to yourself and grant the grace of sincere and confident prayer. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“One aspiration and desire stretches like a golden thread throughout the life of the Blessed Mother. Namely, in each and every little thing, to fulfil the will of God directing everything for God’s pleasure. Mary’s divine Son proclaimed of himself: “My food is to do the will of the One who sent me” (John 4, 34), and “I will always do what pleases Him.” These words were also the rule of life of the Virgin Mary. Hence, she did not commit the slightest infidelity to the Lord God, the slightest imperfection and she was not guilty of not even a shadow of hesitance in the service of God. No creature demonstrated better the will of God than she did. By such a life committed to God the Blessed Mother had a simple way directly to God and reached the highest place in heaven. Yes! Mary chose the best part.”
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily on the Assumption of the BVM
In life we need good examples. God gives us Mary, whose only desire was to please God. For Fr. Venance, Mary Immaculate was a model of fidelity to God in ordinary duties. There is no doubt that her obedience aroused admiration in the Servant of God. The proof of this is the sincere friendship and support of St. Maximilian Kolbe in spreading the ideal of devotion to the Immaculate throughout the world.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, You have given us in Mary a perfect model of fidelity to your holy will, which, as a golden thread has embraced her entire life. We ask that we like Mary may always desire to please You. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
“It would do us very well beloved, to behold a tad, even a small portion of heaven, the place where saints and angels reign with God. But who among us can reveal the heavens? With the eyes of the body, we will not be able to gaze upon the heavenly sanctuaries, but with the assistance of faith we are free to no longer have just a portion of heaven, but have the joy to look upon all the heavens. With the help of faith to look into heaven, meditate on heaven, contemplate according to the faith of our saints according to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Contemplating heaven in this way will be greatly useful, so that we may persevere in these times of sorrow, so that we all may able to endure courageously these heartaches, as Christians. (p. 56)
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec, Homily for II Sunday of Lent
Heaven is the desired goal of earthly life, the culmination of a good life on earth. Meditation on heaven was an important part of the teaching of the servant of God Fr. Venance Katarzyniec. To awaken the frequent raising of our thoughts to God, to know a piece of heaven already here on earth – this is the purpose of his teaching.
Let us pray:
Most Holy Trinity, One God, you said that your kingdom is among us (cf. Lk 17,21). Teach us to recognize signs of your presence on earth and make us worthy of gazing upon your fullness in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen
Our Father…
Hail Mary…
Glory be to the Father…
Recite at the end of the Novena each day:
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be…
The Novena in various languages
Nowenna do Trójcy Przenajświętszej
o uproszenie łask za wstawiennictwem
sługi Bożego o. Wenantego Katarzyńca
Boże w Trójcy Jedyny,
bądź uwielbiony za wszelkie dobra,
którymi napełniłeś sługę Twego Wenantego;
on przez życie według rad ewangelicznych
i gorliwą posługę kapłańską w Kościele
stał się przykładem dla Twoich wiernych.
Wynieś, Panie, tego sługę Twego na ołtarze,
abyśmy lepiej mogli Tobie służyć,
mnie zaś udziel łaski,
o którą pokornie proszę za jego wstawiennictwem.
Przez Chrystusa Pana naszego. Amen.
Ojcze nasz…, Zdrowaś Maryjo, Chwała Ojcu i Synowi…
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Novene für die Vereinfachung der Gnaden
durch die Fürsprache des Dieners Gottes
Pater Wenant Katarzyniec
Gepriesen seist Du, Gott in der Dreifaltigkeit eins,
für alle Güter,
die Du deinem Diener Wenant verliehen hast;
er wurde dank Leben nach den evangelichen Räten
und dem eifrigen priesterlichen Dienst in der Kirche
zum Vorbild für deine Gläubigen.
Lass, o Herr, deinen Diener selig sprechen,
damit wir Dir besser dienen können,
und gib mir die Gnade,
um die ich auf seine Fürsprache demütig bete.
Durch Christus, unseren Herrn. Amen.
Vater unser..
Gegrüßet seist du, Maria,
Ehre sei dem Vater…
Sprechen Sie das Gebet über 9 aufeinander folgende Tage,
gehen Sie zur Beichte und zur heiligen Kommunion.
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Neuvaine au
Vénérable serviteur de Dieu
Père Wenanty Katarzyniec
Dieu trois fois saint
sois glorifié pour toutes les actions
que tu as accomplies dans la vie de ton serviteur Wenanty.
En gardant tes conseils évangéliques
et à travers son ministère sacerdotal dans l’Eglise
il est devenu un exemple pour tes fidèles.
Nous te demandons avec ferveur
la béatification de ton serviteur Wenanty
afin qu’il intercède pour nous.
Donne-moi la grâce… pour laquelle
je Te prie humblement par son intercession.
Par Jésus-Christ, ton Fils, notre Seigneur et notre Dieu qui règne avec toi et le Saint-Esprit, maintenant et pour les siècles des siècles. Amen !
Notre Père…. Je vous salue Marie…. Gloire au Père
La prière doit être récitée pendant neuf jours
Si vous recevez des grâces par l’intercession du serviteur de Dieu Père Wenanty Katarzyniec, merci de bien vouloir contacter :
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
por la intercesión del Siervo de Dios
Santísima Trinidad, seas glorificada por todas
las gracias otorgadas a Tu siervo Wenanty.
Él a través de la vida según los consejos evangélicos
y un ardiente ministerio sacerdotal en la Iglesia,
se ha convertido en un ejemplo para Tus fieles.
Dígnate Señor, a elevar a los altares a Tu siervo,
para que podamos servirte mejor, y concédeme la gracia,
que pido humildemente por su intercesión.
Por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen.
En el caso de obtener alguna gracia por la intercesión
del Padre Wenanty Katarzyniec, comunicarlo al:
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
Tel. + 48 16 671 95 44
Tel. + 48 532 076 902
Sluga Božiji
Pater Wenanty Katarzyniec
Trojedini Bože,
budi obožavan za sva dobra,
kojima si napunio slugu Svoga Wenantega.
On je, živeći prema zakonima Evanđelja
i ispunjavajući gorljivu svećeničku službu u Crkvi,
postao uzor za Tvoje vjernike.
Uzdigni Gospodine, ovoga slugu Svoga na oltar
da bismo mogli Tebi bolje služiti,
a meni daruj milost, za koju Те pokorno molim,
uz njegov zagovor.
Po Kristu, Gospodinu našemu, аmen.
Oče naš… Zdravo Marijo… Slava Ocu…
Devetnicom treba se moliti 9 dana
O čudima koje nastale na uroku slugi Božijega
p. Wenantega Katarzyńca molimo obavijestiti:
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
Tel. + 48 16 671 95 44
Tel. + 48 532 076 902
за заступництвом Слуги Божого
о.Венантего Катажиньца
Прославляємо Тебе, Боже, в Трійці Єдиний
за усі блага, якими обдарував
слугу Твоєго Венантего.
Своїм життям радами євангелійними та
відданою священницькою службою в Церкві,
він став прикладом для Твоїх вірних.
Просимо Тебе, Боже,
винеси слугу Твоєго на вівтар,
щоб ми могли краще Тобі служити,
а мене особисто обдаруй благодаттю
про яку покірно прошу за його заступництвом.
Через Христа Господа нашого. Амінь.
Отче наш… Радуйся Марія… Слава Отцю…
Молитися 9 днів підряд, а також приступити до Таїнства Сповіді та Святого Причастя.
Про отримані благодаті за заступництвом Слуги Божого Венантего Катажиньца необхідно повідомити:
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
Tel. +48 16 671 95 44
Tel. +48 532 076 902
Novena to the Most Holy Trinity
a request for graces through the intercession
of Servant of God
Fr. Venance Katarzyniec
Most Holy Trinity, One God,
may you be praised for all the good things
you have accomplished in your servant Venance;
who lived his life according to the evangelical counsels
and being zealous in his priestly ministry in the Church
became an example for your faithful.
Raise up your servant to the altar, Lord,
that we may better serve You,
and grant me the graces which I humbly ask
through his intercession.
Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Recite at the end of the Novena each day:
Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Novena alla Santissima Trinità
per invocare grazie per l’intercessione
del Servo di Dio
p. Venanzio Katarzyniec
Dio Uno e Trino,
sii lodato per tutti i benefici che hai donato
al Tuo servo Venanzio;
lui, mediante l’osservanza dei consigli evangelici
e lo zelante servizio sacerdotale nella Chiesa,
diventò esempio per i Tuoi fedeli.
Innalza, o Signore, il Tuo servo
alla gloria degli altari,
affinché possa meglio servir Ti,
e colma della grazia,
che umilmente invoco
tramite la sua intercessione.
Per Cristo nostro Signore. Amen.
Alla fine di ogni giorno della novena:
Padre nostro, Ave Maria, Gloria al Padre.
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Слуга Божији
Патер Венанти Катажињец
Троједини Боже,
буди обожаван за сва добра,
којима си напунио слугу Твоју Венантега.
Он је живећи према законима јеванђеља
и испуњавајући горућу свештеничку службу у Цркви,
постао узор за Твоје вернике.
Уздигни, Господе, овог слугу Твојега на олтаре,
како бисмо могли боље Теби служити,
а мени даруј милост, за коју Те покорно молим,
уз његову подршку.
По Христу, Господу нашем, амин.
Оче наш… Здраво Маријо… Слава Оцу…
Деветницом треба се молити 9 дана
О чудима које настале на узроку слуги Божијега
п. Венантега Катажињца молимо обавестити:
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Gebed op voorspraak van Dienaar Gods
pater Wenanty Katarzyńiec
Geprezen zijt Gij, God in de Heilige Drievuldigheid
voor alle goeds, dat U uw dienaar Wenanty
verleent heeft.
Doordat hij leefde volgens de evangelische adviezen
en door zijn ijverige priesterlijke dienstbaarheid in de kerk
werd hij een voorbeeld voor uw gelovigen.
Verhef Heer, uw dienaar op uw altaren
zodat wij U beter kunnen dienen.
En geef me de genade…..waar ik U nederig om vraag.
Wij vragen dit door Christus onze Heer. Amen
Onze Vader … Wees gegroet Maria … Glorie zij de Vader en de Zoon …
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Novena la Preasfânta Treime pentru a cere haruri
prin mijlocirea Slujitorului lui Dumnezeu
pr. Venanțiu Katarzyniec.
Dumnezeule Unu și Întreit,
fii lăudat pentru toate binefacerile
acordate slujitorului tău Venanțiu;
acesta, prin urmarea sfaturilor evanghelice si râvnica
slujire preoțească în Biserică,
a devenit exemplu pentru credincioșii Tăi.
Binevoiește, Doamne, a-l ridica la cinstea altarelor,
ca astfel să Te putem sluji mai bine și fiu să copleșit
de har eu care cer cu smerenie prin mijlocirea lui.
Prin Cristos Domnul nostru. Amin.
La sfârșitul fiecărei zile a novenei: Tatăl nostru, Bucură-te Marie, Slavă Tatălui.
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Kilenced a legszentebb Szentháromsághoz
kegyelmek elnyeréséért
Isten Szolgája Katarzyniec Venánc
minorita atya közbenjárása által
Hármas-egy Isten,
légy áldott minden jótéteményedért,
amellyel Venánc szolgádat megajándékoztad;
ő az evangéliumi tanácsok megtartása
és az Egyházban végzett buzgó papi szolgálata által
példaképe lett híveidnek.
Emeld, Urunk, szolgádat az oltár dicsőségére,
hogy méltóbban szolgálhassunk Téged,
és add meg azokat a kegyelmeket,
amelyeket az ő közbenjárására
alázatosan kérek.
Krisztus a mi Urunk által. Ámen.
A kilenced minen napjának végén:
Miatyánk, Üdvözlégy, Dicsőség.
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
tel. +48 16 671 95 44
tel. + 48 532 076 902
Modlitba k Najsvätejšej Trojici za vyprosenie milostí prostredníctvom príhovoru Božieho služobníka Wenanteho Katarzynca
Bože Trojjediný, osláv sa všetkými dobrami, ktorými si naplnil svojho služobníka Wenanteho. On sa svojím životom podľa evanjeliových rád a horlivou kňazskou službou v Cirkvi, stal príkladom pre tvojich veriacich. Povýš Pane svojho služobníka na oltár, aby sme ti mohli lepšie slúžiť a udeľ mi milosť o ktorú pokorne prosím prostredníctvom jeho príhovoru. Skrze Krista nášho Pána. Amen
Otče náš… Zdravas Mária…. Sláva Otcu i Synu…
Treba sa modliť 9 dní
O milostiach vyprosených prosredníctvom príhovoru Božeho služebníka Wenanteho Katarzynca prosím informujte:
Klasztor Franciszkanów
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
Tel. + 48 16 671 95 44, + 48 532 076 902
Novena į Švenčiausiąją Trejybę prašant malonių Dievo tarno tėvo Venanto Katažynec užtarimu
Trejybėje vienas Dieve, būk pašlovintas už visas gėrybes, kurių pripildei savo tarną Venantą. Jis, gyvendamas evangeliniais patarimais ir būdamas uolus kunigas, Bažnyčioje tapo pavyzdžiu Tavo tikintiesiems.
Viešpatie, iškelk šį savo tarną į altoriaus garbę, kad mes galėtume Tau geriau tarnauti, o man suteik malonę, kurios nuolankiai meldžiu jo užtarimu. Per Kristų, mūsų Viešpatį.
Tėve mūsų…, Sveika Marija…, Garbė Dievui Tėvui….
Pranciškonų vienuolynas (Klasztor Franciszkanów)
37-743 Kalwaria Pacławska 40
Tel. + 48 16 671 95 44, + 48 532 076 902