I praise and thank the Lord for a loving family and bringing me out of homelessness to a beautiful place and home for which I do not have to pay. The almighty, loving Lord has taken care of everything so that my family, friends and I can be safe and comfortable in a situation that has given me the freedom to care for elderly people who have become as parents to me: a wonderful gift for someone whose loving parents died long ago.
God inspired me with a beautiful and creative ministry 8 years ago and Jesus asked me what I would do with His most sacred heart. I could only weep in shame (that he would trust me ask this of me) and replied that I will share His heart. I wish to make His love known through my way of life and in my work. I have never let go of the dreams and inspirations for the creative work and all its detail but it means that I need the courage to develop as an artist – something I gave up at 18 when I had to do the sensible thing and take the first job that was offered to me. 30 years later, after other jobs, a marriage (now peacefully finished, thanks to the Lord’s wisdom and guidance) and four children, I still have the desire to be an artist and devote all my works to God that will proclaim His Glorious creation and love for us, the salvation of Jesus and that will encourage and support the faith and family lives of many Christians and will offer Christ’s comfort by physically warming and prayerfully encouraging the sick, the dying and those without a home. A sister in faith told me about Father Venante and this novena the other day. I ask for his intercession to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the miracle of opportunities, time, skill, artistic and business mentorship and wisdom that the „God Project” can be made real, just as his prayers helped bring St. Maximillian Kolbe’s MI publication to life. I thank God, too, that my eldest daughter is beginning to grow in faith and has asked to work on one of these projects with me. Please also ask Jesus for guidance on the issue of devotion to our holy and blessed mother. Lastly, I ask for relief from debt and some money to get through the next few months. The Lord knows I am in difficulty because of changes at work. I am so grateful for the generous charity that I received last month as I didn’t know how I would have survived without it. Even though I have received so much blessing in my life and a lot of requets, I must ask for more as I am most dependant on God. I ask for a safe car, suitable for our needs – as God sees them – because my car will not be safe for much longer (it is very old) and I cannot afford to buy another one. Without a car, I would not be able to reach my children or get to work. I am so grateful for the car I have, because it was a gift from God when my last car reached the end of its useful life. Thank you, God, for a life full of blessings, love and protection. May your praise be always on my lips and in my service to you and all others. I will hold the prayers of your other children in my heart, too. Amen.